Synchronicity in the 7 Cycle Month

This is a guest post by Sarah Maitland.

I know I’m in a 7 cycle month because my personalized Cassandra’s Secret Cycle Guide told me that I am. It told me that the 7 month is a time to ask yourself, “Who am I? Where am I going? What do I want in my life from this time forward?” It is also a time of synchronicities.

Yesterday, I caught myself writing a meeting agenda that said—instead of “introductions” and “overview”—”Who are we?” and “Where are we going?” And then later I picked up Gunter Grass’s Tin Drum and read this passage: “An escalator is a good time to reconsider, to reconsider everything: Where are you from? Where are you going? Who are you? What is your real name? What are you after?”

When I told my partner about these synchronicities, he said that he’d just read this sentence in Post Office by Charles Bukowski before I’d interrupted him: “And you felt like screaming, ‘Lady, how the hell do I know who you are or I am or anybody is?”

According to the Cycle Guide, synchronicities in the 7 month mean you’re on the right track, so it looks like I’m on it. But where am I going? And who am I . . .?