Your numerology cycles December 16–31

Key Number 1

Keep a clear view of the positives you have created.

Happy holidays! In this strange time, it’s difficult to know whether it is even appropriate to say happy holidays. Fortunately, you are in a very strong energy: a harvest cycle energy in this the last month of the year.

For you, energy and power (especially emotional power) are more likely to be available than for others.

January 1, 2021 brings a new and more manageable energy into your life.

I wish you all the best of peace and happiness in your new cycle year.


Key Number 2

Be patient with others.

You may find yourself bringing some of your old thinking patterns to conclusion. It’s natural, at this time of year, to look back over the past 12 months. It’s important to give thought to what you have accomplished and give yourself credit.

Look at how some of these difficult experiences we have all had have helped to strengthen your character. Sounds a little Pollyanna, but looking within yourself as many, including you, have been forced to do as a result of these strange pandemic circumstances, gives you an opportunity to make a fresh start.

The holiday season should be quiet, or at least more quiet, for almost everyone this year. For you though, it’s particularly important to spend some time in contemplation and revaluation.

Try to be sensitive to the needs of others during the holidays, in whatever way is possible for you and your circumstances.

Watch for new opportunities to grow.

Peace and love.


Key Number 3

Happy holidays!

Regardless of what you have experienced over the last cycle year, this cycle month is an opportunity for you to make new plans.

Yes, the energy of the holidays may make it a little challenging, but your particular cycle has within it the strength to begin, and to create a positive new chapter for the next year.

This cycle energy is a time of exciting change and new beginnings. New beginnings at the end of a year bring the opportunity to look back over the past cycle year to see what you have accomplished, but also which life strategies may need a little tweaking.

This year is almost over. Next year, we begin again. Make plans now.


Key Number 4

Take breaks.

Though you can’t ignore all the things that are asking for your attention—especially things that must be done—remember to take care of yourself.

Take periodic breaks. You need some time away from the pressures that are likely to develop. So, it’s important to put yourself as top priority and take an occasional break away from all that is going on.

Do what makes you happy and comfortable: spend a day in bed, only answer your phone when absolutely necessary.

Try to be as efficient, economical and rational as possible, but at the same time, don’t be afraid to hand off some responsibilities or projects to someone else, especially when things seem overwhelming.

Enjoy your holiday.


Key Number 5

Socialize carefully and socialize virtually.

This is a holiday season like no other. Fortunately, you are under an influence which is extremely creative. The important thing is to use that creative impulse to have a positive holiday experience for yourself and others.

This may take some thinking on your part, but if ever there was a time to be open to new ways of doing and being, this is it.

Spend some time enjoying music. Christmas carols, maybe? But other forms of music as well. Perhaps it’s just singing while you clean up the dishes. Or you might try making a holiday greeting card—perhaps a virtual one. Perhaps not the ones that come as an email with cute animals?

Concentrate on developing your expressive powers in all areas.

If you take on the challenge of using your creativity to get through this season, you may find it is a very exciting time filled with virtual social life and perhaps some new people.

Enjoy new friends—virtually—but don’t forget to connect to old friends as well.

The pandemic is not going to last for ever, so that may be a good time to do some research and look for new and unusual opportunities to expand your horizons. Perhaps in unexpected directions.

Remember to use your creativity to make the holiday season a bit better for those who are not as fortunate.


Key Number 6

Holiday like you mean it.

It’s not news that this is not the usual holiday season. Under this cycle month’s energy though, it will be important for you to work through it—‘work’ being the operative word.

In your working life, it will be necessary for you to complete any project you’re working on; dot the I’s and cross the T’s, and check for errors. If all your projects are domestic, make the most of whatever duties present themselves.

Expect to be tested.

It seems to me that most holiday seasons bring emotional tests to many humans, if not all. This cycle month’s energy though is a test within a test. The important test for you is to not lose your cool. Be as generous with time and any other gift you can give, while of course staying safe.

Happy testy holidays!


Key Number 7

Offer your assistance to anyone who might need a helping hand.

Things should be moving ahead in your work life, although of course there will be some stoppages for the holidays.

Take time off to enjoy the celebration and try not to fret if things do not work out exactly as you expect. This is the cycle of unexpected events, after all, so your celebrations may take a slightly different shape than what you would assume.

Try not to be cranky or sarcastic. There is a real danger, especially in virtual communication, of things dropping out of your mind and consciousness, which you do not really want expressed.

Think before you speak, and be patient. It’s not a very patient cycle energy, but if you are tactful and diplomatic it will be a lot easier to handle misunderstandings or frayed nerves or tempers.


If you have family, enjoy their company, even if it is virtually. If you don’t have loved ones close to you, this cycle energy is a wonderful time to experiment with reaching out to friends you have not met yet.

Enjoy your holiday.


Key Number 8

Flow with present conditions.

This holiday season is different than any that we have experienced, but for you it is still a time to emphasize the importance of personal relationships.

In this cycle month’s energy, it’s up to you to create and maintain an atmosphere of peace and harmony wherever you can.

It’s important to be creative, and anything you do creatively to make a comfortable holiday season will be appreciated by those around you.

Remember to be tactful. The holiday season brings up emotions that have not surfaced for a while, so be kind and understanding—generous to others, but also to yourself.

Take time to do what makes you feel comfortable and relaxed from time to time. This cycle month is mostly about serving others, but remember: you have to be fully functional yourself in order to be really useful.


Key Number 9

Feel good about taking some time for rest and relaxation.

If you are a person who pushes forward regardless of the signs and symbols around you, you should know that this attitude will not work this month. This is the time to be aggressive in pushing to fulfil strong material needs.

Be sure to maintain your friendships and family connections, but it’s a good idea to let them know that you may be a little absent. Of course, during this pandemic we are all a little absent from the people we love, but the reason you are advised to take space—even during the holidays, or maybe especially during holidays this year—is that you will need the time to do some internal sorting. Most people do some emotional and spiritual sorting at the end of every year. This cycle month’s energy though is designed especially for you to do it thoroughly now.

I always suggest that people in this cycle inform their close connections that they may be a little less available than usual. This way, you can make sure your friends don’t feel ignored or rejected when you go off by yourself. Even off virtual connections, in some cases.

It’s fortunate that this cycle month’s energy comes up for you in this month. If you go inside and do a review during the holidays—perhaps a little journaling? —you will find the new cycle year coming up is likely to start on a better foot.

Enjoy your solitude and happy holidays!