Your numerology cycles October 1-15, 2020

There are two months (cycle months) that I find particularly interesting from a numerologist point of view.

The first is September, which is the most intense month in the cycle year. It is the same cycle month and is the cycle year you have been inhabiting since January.

The second most exciting cycle month, for me at least, is October.

I believe—and other numerologist believe—it is a mini preview of the next personal cycle year for everyone. I think it is important to be very attentive to the energy and events which occur in October. Every October.

So here we are again in October. Strange how the years fly by. It doesn’t seem like a long time since I was agonizing about what to say for each Key Number in October.

This year 2020 has been a test cycle, for the world.

The next world cycle 2021 is the year of unexpected events. Anything can happen! On the positive side, all kinds of good things could happen—the world could sit up and pay attention to climate change, politicians could change the way they usually operate and become civil to each other, refugees around the world could find homes—anything could happen, but is also considered to be a year of chaos, so be prepared for the unexpected.


Key Number 1

Pay attention to your domestic life.

This is an excellent time to pay attention to everything family and domestic. Lucky you! October is the perfect cycle month for making your nest cozy.

Look around at your environment. What can you do to make it more comfortable and appealing? You may find yourself drawn to trying out some new recipes, or some new furniture.

Because this is a month which is related to love and domesticity, you may also find yourself, in this romantic energy looking to improve relationships with loved ones.

Relationships with people on all levels emerge as something to focus on in this cycle month’s energy.

If you are looking for a partner, this is the time in which it is a good idea to spread your net more widely.

And don’t forget it is important to focus on the family, and the physical container of the family, which is the home.


Key Number 2

Spend some time alone.

It’s not always easy to carve out that time when you are just by yourself and have the opportunity to think and review.

This cycle month’s energy is perfectly designed for these precious “just me” moments.

Not that this will mean you should be selfish in other ways, but there is always a time when it is important to stand back and review what you have been accomplishing—or not.

You won’t be able to abandon all your duties, of course, but if you can delegate some to others or just reorganize your schedule, this is the time.

Avoid spending time pushing forward. And this is not a time to expand or to try and grow your career. Put all those tendencies on hold for a while and remember to think deeply, contemplate and reflect rather than to act.

If you use your inner voices as a guide, you will become better acquainted with your own powers of intuition and you may even sort what is important in your future desire.


Key Number 3

Feel your power.

In this cycle month’s energy, you are much more likely to feel “in charge.” Self-confidence is available if you listen to your inner voices.

You’re likely to have more power, especially in the material world where money and career happen. Please take advantage of the flow of energy you will experience, as it does not come around this way again for a long time, cycle wise.

Some of your ongoing projects are most likely to show movement forward. This month is a wonderful time to develop positive potential and enjoy some of the blossoming of seeds planted in the past.

Now is the time to explore possibilities of additional growth in the future.

Don’t allow all of this power to go to your head, and remember to keep an eye on your economic picture.

Money can show up unexpectedly or from untapped resources. But this is also a time when unexpected expenses may show up.


Key Number 4

Expect a little drama.

This cycle month’s energy is about tying up the loose ends of the past. And it is also is about completions.

It’s a good idea to look at how you been spending your energy for the last few months.

This is a time when really significant endings can come up. So, do some ruthless appraisal of your ideas and projects. Then, you must decide what to finish and what to leave behind in order to make space for new ideas and new ways of thinking.

Get rid of anything that has held you back, including things that you have outgrown, and relationships that no longer have life should be let go of.

Don’t let matters drag on—try not to carry anything that is not working for you into the next few months. Finish and be done with it.

You may feel some loss of ending dreams or relationships, but it will help if you clear the decks for new and exciting projects and ideas coming up.


Key Number 5

A perfect time for new beginnings.

This cycle month’s energy is a time for exciting change and new beginnings. Anything you begin or expand now will have an effect on the remainder of the year.

And, since this month is always a bit of a mini preview of the next year, it will be important for you to tune in to the excitement and optimism available to you under this cycle month’s energy.

This is a time for planting seeds that you want to develop not only through the remainder of this month but through next year.

You may feel more energetic and assertive. If you don’t feel it, fake it till you make it. In some ways the energy of this month is the beginning of the next nine year chapter of your life. Be ready to lead and even to take a few risks, as long as the risks are pointed in the direction of a more abundant future.

Pay attention to what you promised yourself in the way of new beginnings. If there aspects of life which should have been dealt with, and perhaps completed, this is the time to revisit and decide what you need to keep and what you need to let go of.


Key Number 6

Be patient.

This cycle month’s energy is often a time of quiet waiting. Things may seem to slow down. Exercise as much patience as you can and try to stay emotionally stable. Some delays may occur. It’s important to allow as much time as it takes for your plans to come to fruition. Try not to make any drastic changes or sharp adjustments in the direction your following.

Take care of details wherever necessary.

It’s not a time to push forward. Cool it.

This is a time to hide your light under a bushel. Don’t call attention to yourself or your projects, just keep working on them quietly. On the personal front, this month is an excellent time to pay attention to your friendships. Get in touch with people you have been out of touch with and be open to allowing new people into your life.

If you tend to long for partnership, this is a good time to seek one out.

As much as you can, create harmony around you. This is especially true in your home environment.

Try to be as cooperative with others as you possibly can and be willing to listen to their viewpoints.


Key Number 7

Stay on the bright side.

This cycle month should be fun.

It’s a little harder under the restrictions we face, but the energy can be lighter and spite of the need to be safe and careful.

Enthusiasm is the key. Under this cycle month’s energy, the brighter your expectations, the more likely you are to create the conditions and associations which will be helpful for the rest of the year.

Check in with old friends and remember that you can make new friends if you are willing to cast your net more widely.

Social life will be different but still very much a part of your life. Do your best reach out, especially for people who may be suffering loneliness.

Remember to think about your creative energy. Creative idea producing and problem-solving will be easier for you under this optimistic and sometimes joyous cycle energy.

Stretch your creative self.

Deal with your emotions carefully and be constructive in your communication with others.


Key Number 8

Complete all your work.

In this cycle month’s energy, you cannot get away with colouring outside the lines.

It’s an energy in which it is important to be as meticulous as possible. This applies to all aspects of life. If you have a tendency to count on your luck with parking metres, this is a time when you are most likely to find a note on your windshield.

Order and systems are important.

Concentrate on work which deals with detail. You may find yourself working quite hard and working within a tight schedule.

There may not be much time for personal life. Don’t shirk obligations or do things only halfway when you have made a commitment to be helpful.

Take a look at what you have been working on. Whatever is not completed or stabilized can cause you difficulty if you don’t firm up your foundations and put everything in order.

Yes—order in all aspects of life, as well as staying in integrity with your word, is really important.

If you are the least bit sloppy, karma will come and bite you.


Key Number 9

Expand your horizons.

This cycle month’s energy prompts you to think outside the box. Keep an open mind and try as much as you can to feel flexible and free.

Use your imagination, resourcefulness and as much creative energy as you can corral.

Be prepared for things to move quite quickly. This is the energy of the unexpected event.

Things may shift quickly. It’s important to take advantage of changing circumstances and as much as you can flow with the conditions.

Try to be a person who can be versatile and react quickly.

Try to release your hold on anything that is old and worn out and make room for new ideas and new projects.