Your numerology cycles October 16–31, 2020


Key Number 1

Stay close to home.

Staying close to home this month should be easier and more comfortable for you especially. This cycle month’s energy is naturally inclined to keep you close to home and safe.

This cycle energy is focused on domestic life and what you can accomplish from your home.

Within your home it is important to create a sense of balance and harmony. This cycle energy is also about nurturing others. Family members may need your support. It’s time to be a counsellor, and the decorator, and if you can—a cook.

Friends may need some assistance as well, perhaps advice or just a shoulder to lean on.

It may not be easy in this strange environment when it is necessary to protect ourselves and others, but this does not mean our ability to nurture virtually is out of the question.


Key Number 2

Be patient.

Don’t be surprised if you feel a little less energetic than usual. Take time to reevaluate your physical health and decide what really motivates you and what you are interested in pursuing in order to reach physical goals.

You may be more interested in quiet exercise like walking or doing yoga. Those activities fit well into this time when quiet activities give you the opportunity to think and perhaps even develop a new personal philosophy.

You may not feel very social, so take steps to let loved ones know that you need some time for rest and study. If they don’t understand your need to be alone, do your best to let them know that this is necessary for you to move forward in your development.

Try to avoid misunderstandings with people who aren’t comfortable with you in this introspective state. Think it through clearly and then explain your point of view.

Intuition is a tool which sharpens with use. This is a great cycle month for developing and beginning to trust your intuition.


Key Number 3

Radiate authority and self-confidence.

Keep taking advantage of this strong and abundant cycle month’s energy. Approach your activities this month with a great deal of seriousness.

It’s a time, when appropriate, to be a little bit pushy.

You may find that continuous effort and hard work are required make the most of your organizational and managerial skills even in the context of family.

Keep an eye on your progress at all times. Don’t leave any loose ends hanging.


Key Number 4

Think of new areas you would like to explore.

This is the end of a minor cycle, and a good preparation for next year. Examine what you have accomplished so far this year, then start wondering what you want to create in your life for the remainder of this year.

Remember to do a ruthless self-appraisal of what you are involved in. Let go of relationships or ideas that you’ve outgrown.

You may experience a little bit of discomfort emotionally as you move forward without some of your favourite people or interests. But if they are not serving you or are helping you to move in the right direction, it’s a good idea to let go. Allow yourself to reach a constructive conclusion.

Take forward into the remaining months whatever holds promise of further development.

As you may expect in such a fiery emotional cycle month, there may be some drama, especially relating to some of the endings you have bravely put into place.

As much as you can, keep your feelings under control. Don’t lose your temper.


Key Number 5

Develop new ideas as they occur.

Don’t be surprised if changes in attitude come up for you. These changes in attitude could relate to your personal life or to career, or perhaps both.

The change can be large and dramatic or can simply be a change in attitude. The latter is more likely. However, if you don’t spend time shifting energy, you will miss opportunities to change the direction of your life.

Remember, one strong change—especially in attitude—can often trigger a sequence of events that can change all aspects of your life.

Develop new ideas as they occur to you and spend time seeking new opportunities.

Keep remembering that whatever you begin this year is more likely to succeed than at other times.

So, it’s worth putting in a real effort. If you study new opportunities carefully and remember that at this time your planting seeds for the future, success should be within reach.


Key Number 6

Create harmony in your environment.

Although this is a time when you are likely to feel quite sensitive, it’s important not to let your emotions disrupt harmony in your environment. You may feel a little touchy at times, but remember to think about how your words may affect those who receive them.

This is not an energetic cycle month. In spite of that lack of energy, you will be called upon to use your diplomatic skills in helping others to find peace in the environment. You may be called upon to end quarrels. This is your special gift under this cycle month’s energy.

As a peacemaker and nurturer, you may find yourself in demand.

The more you relate to others tactfully, especially in the spirit of harmony and cooperation, the more valuable you will be seem to be, even though you express yourself modestly and quietly.

Remember that karma works. Any help you can give at this time is likely to be repaid later when you may be in need of assistance from others.


Key Number 7

Order and new outfit.

Concentrate on opportunities for creativity.

How we present ourselves in the world—especially how we dress—has an effect on how we are perceived. This may sound a little frivolous, but as fall closes in it is a good idea to take a look at what’s in your closet and perhaps add a few pieces. It will make a difference in your emotional life as well.

Use your intuition, imagination and inspiration to move your ideas along. You should feel reasonably energetic.

You will be able to deal with projects that are now growing and expanding. Any ability you have with words can be helpful at this time.

Watch to see where you can make creative contributions to social media expression.

Be aware of your own feelings, but at the same time, pay attention to your friends and colleagues’ feelings as well. Try to be optimistic and cheerful to inspire others.


Key Number 8

Keep your emotions under control.

With all that needs to be done, and done perfectly, you may become a bit irritable. Change your point of view if you can.

You are bound to feel restricted under this cycle month’s energy. This restriction has a purpose though, it is meant to cause you to look very carefully at what you have created to see whether it is actually stable. A strong foundation in any project is the beginning of success.

Take good care of your health. All the pressure which comes with the necessity to do everything perfectly can cause nervous strain.

Remember that how you occur within your family or close circle of friends affects everyone.

Allow a few days of play. It’s important to take a break when you been under so much pressure.


Key Number 9

Avoid extravagance.

This cycle month’s energy tends to be exciting—but in some cases, somewhat unrealistic. Try to avoid extravagant spending.

It will be tempting to forget the rules, but it’s important not to procrastinate or neglect your obligations. Be careful not to scatter your energy. Concentrate on one activity at a time.

Don’t waste time criticizing the circumstances. If you spend too much energy and restlessness or impatience you won’t be able to make good use of this powerful and complex energy. This tends to be a busy time be sure that you don’t neglect your family or loved ones.

If you’re looking for a partner, this is a time when you may have considerable appeal for possible partners. Be careful not to get too involved, because any relationship which emerges is likely to be short-lived.

It’s not a good time for travel for anyone, but that does not mean you cannot make plans for the time when things are more normal than they have been for the last few months.