Your numerology cycles July 16–31

It is interesting to talk to different people about their reaction to the pandemic. From a numerological point of view, different life paths seem to react differently.

Of course, I’m not a scientist, but I am a numerologist—a passionate numerologist, I might add—and for me, and some of my friends whom I have infected with the numerology bug, the study of life paths and their different ways of being on the planet is fascinating.

This numerology blog deals with cycles for individuals, and it doesn’t talk about life paths. For anyone who doesn’t know numerology, the LIFE PATH NUMBER is arrived at by adding the month, the day, plus the year of birth added together and reducing to one number. However, in order to access this blog, it is only necessary to add the month and day of birth and reduce to one number. When the month and day of birth are added together and reduced to one digit or number, you have the KEY to your advice for managing the energy of the cycle month.

This is a difficult time for all of us. For some, and I must admit I am one of those people, the pandemic has brought a degree of peace along with anxiety.

I am working exclusively by phone and Skype these days, and not seeing people. I miss the face-to-face and am looking forward to a time when I will feel comfortable with different human vibrations in my space.

However, the phone and Skype readings have a different quality, and I have always enjoyed doing readings around the world, on the phone.

In a way it is more challenging, but the absence of minimal clues, such as the way people are dressed etc. etc., makes the readings more challenging and therefore more fulfilling.

Don’t forget to find your key number by adding the month and day of your birth together and reducing to one number. This is the key to your personal cycle for the month.



Key Number 1

Stretch your bubble.

Things may seem a little less serious in this cycle month’s energy, and in fact, it seems as if we can be a little less cautious.

This cycle month is a special lighter cycle month energy for you and it’s possible that you can spend more time in the company of others. This is a good thing as long as you are cautious.

Coming as it does after a long quarantine and the emotional upset of having our world upside down, breaking out of your small bubble can be exhilarating.

In this energy you are more likely to be less cautious, but you must stretch your bubble carefully.

In social life, it’s important to remember to be sensitive to the feelings of others. In this cycle month’s energy, there is a tendency to be quite outspoken, so use some caution and keep your zipper in place until you’ve thought through what you are going to say.


Key Number 2

Order and systems.

It’s a time to try to complete all your work as it occurs. Procrastination is not a good idea.

The hard but perfect work you do this month in any area of your life will build a secure base for the future. Put the plans and ideas which have been on hold into some kind of concrete form--at least in your mind.

Pay attention to details.

Concentrate on perfecting everything that must be done whether it is a mental or physical task.

There will still be periods of frustration, but if you take care of what must be done as it occurs, you will experience deep feelings of satisfaction.

As much as possible, put everything in order.

Perhaps even closets?


Key Number 3

Pay careful attention as things develop.

Things may develop in all different aspects of your life, including career and personal life.

Be careful to monitor what you say. This cycle month’s energy can be very quick witted.

Quick thinking is helpful in many situations, but beware of sarcasm or unexpected comments which fall unexpectedly into the space between you and others.

Avoid sarcasm. A positive attitude towards people and events makes this adventurous energy more interesting.


Key Number 4

This is a time to concentrate on your home life. This cycle month’s energy is domestic.

Your success and happiness are related to your willingness to give of yourself.

Be of service, compromise, and make adjustments for the people you care about. You may feel overwhelmed by domestic responsibilities, but you can’t ignore them.

Jump in, try to understand, and respect and consider everyone’s needs. Doesn’t sound like much fun, but it will play dividends in the future.


Key Number 5

Quiet activities are best.

This cycle month’s energy is an excellent time for doing research or sticking your toe in areas that have always been of interest but you have not had time for.

This is not an energetic cycle month energy and you may feel a bit lethargic at times. Be sure to allow time for rest and relaxation.

On the communication front, it’s important to think before you speak under this cycle month’s energy, as misunderstandings with people and family or close circle can erupt. If you must explain yourself, explain your point if you carefully and calmly. Try not to force things.


Key Number 6

Notice your self-confidence.

Continue to make the most of your organizational skills. Be efficient practical and rational and all your dealings. It’s important to show good judgement, especially in regard to finances and matters relating to anyone with whom you share projects or finances.

If you can, delegate some of your work to others, so that you won’t be overwhelmed. Try not to push yourself too hard.

Take care of any medical matters that might need attention. Be sure to maintain your close ties with friends and family even if you are doing so virtually.


Key Number 7

Expect some drama.

It makes common sense to expect some drama and emotion which will accompany many of your decisions about significant endings.

The end of most relationship or activities is filled with a great deal of feeling.

Don’t be surprised if you feel some sadness or emotional confusion. As much as possible, keep your feelings under control. Be careful that your temper doesn’t get out of hand. Try to be sensitive, tactful and compassionate as you can be throughout the month, though it may be difficult.

Maintain close ties with family and friends. You may need them for support during what will inevitably be an emotional time.

Try to be as compassionate as you can.


Key Number 8

Emphasize your independence.

This is a good time to assert your independence and individuality. Do things the way you think will make you feel most comfortable.

There may be situations where you have to insist on your rights. You may be pleasantly surprised at how well this insistence can play out for you over time.

Express the courage of your convictions.

Look for new projects to start.

If you are working on projects that you have carried over, it is important to insert new ideas or perhaps expand. If you are working on education or learning new things, this is a good time to revaluate, and perhaps bring a new attitude to what you are learning.

Be sure to take others’ needs into account before you act. This is a cycle in which you may have to be careful not to be too self focused.


Key Number 9

This is a month to use your charm.

This cycle month’s energy brings opportunities to form new friendships and renew old ones. The cycle is very much about people and it is an excellent time for partnerships. Remember to be tactful. Diplomacy in your communication, especially when you are working to create harmony and cooperation is important.

Expect heightened emotions. You will probably feel a bit more touchy than you usually do.

Remember to wait until things develop. This is not a time to push through aggressively. Try to keep your cool. Put as much energy as you can into helping others and remember to use tact.