Your numerology cycles May 16–31





This month, I'm starting a new way of doing my numerology blog. I’m hoping to make it shorter and more accessible. Just remember the key number is the key to understanding your personal cycle for this month.

It’s not the same as your life path number, which comes from taking the month the day and the year of birth adding them all together and reducing them to one number. For the sake of this blog, we are just going to look at the influences of this cycle month for you personally. For that, you need to know your own personal KEY.

I know it’s not like looking up your horoscope, which in most cases is your sun sign. It takes a little bit more effort, but I hope, for you it will be worth it. Besides, though numerology is not as sophisticated as astrology, once you get the hang of it, it is easier to calculate and, I think, can give more personal pertinent information more easily.

Using numerology gives you superpowers. It can help you to understand the people around you by looking at their life path numbers and modifiers, like knowing someone’s astrological sign, but knowing where someone is in their cycle can also give helpful of information about why someone is feeling or behaving the way they are under their present cycle influence.

Knowing someone’s life path and where they are in their cycle can help you understand where your friends, family, and in some cases even employees or employers are emotionally.

So, remember that you have to work out your KEY NUMBER by adding the month and day of your birth together—example—say your birthday is August 25. August is the eighth month, so 8 + the 25th day is 7. When these two are added together you have 8 + 2 + 5 =  6. So in this case the KEY NUMBER for this person is 6, always and forever—at least until the next incarnation.

Take that 6 and add it to the universal year (the year the whole planet is experiencing) which this year is 4. 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 equals 4.


Key Number 1

Are you becoming accustomed to this new energy? It may feel a little weird—almost everything feels weird these days, who knew there would be a shortage of yeast or sourdough starter in 2020?—but you are actually at the beginning. Perhaps it’s the start of a new way of looking at this strange world we are in. We always say that the beginning of a new cycle, whether it’s a year cycle or of month cycle or even a day cycle, is a time to plant new seeds in your life.

So—plant new seeds in your brain. Seeds of optimism and courage. Visualize your life as you want it to be. We all need power visualizations floating up into the universe.

Do your part. Thoughts are things.


Key Number 2

There is a natural tendency in this cycle month’s energy to want to create harmony and beauty in your environment.

Go with it.

The more comfortable you can be physically in this cycle month’s energy, the easier it will be to adjust to these unusual times. Buy yourself some flowers for your bedroom or coffee table. Give yourself a facial, or a good salt rub. The cycle energy of this month can be very peaceful as long as you don’t succumb to boredom.

You’re stuck with your own company, no matter how many people are around you. Find a way to comfort yourself.


Key Number 3

Investigate further development of creative powers. When people say, “I’m not creative,” my response is—especially under this cycle energy—that this is a creative idea producing and problem-solving time. And everything around you, whether you are thinking about your bed, your kitchen table or your cell phone, was originally a created idea. So even if you’re not going to produce a masterpiece under this creative energy, you can come up with the creative idea for solving a problem or developing a new project.

That is what creativity is.


Key Number 4

This cycle month’s energy is about perfectionism and hard work; some of it may be actual physical work like chores around the house.

Even if the world was not being tested, you would be tested to see how strong you are, not only physically but mentally. This cycle month’s energy forces you to do what must be done. You have no choice.

If you handle all this with determination and curiosity about your own strengths, you will get to know yourself better. Any angst you may be feeling should be balanced by your sense of what you have accomplished and what you have learned about yourself.


Key Number 5

You may find yourself at a fork in the road. That often happens in this cycle month’s energy. It is a time of twists and turns and unexpected events. It’s important to roll with the punches in the excitement of new possibilities.

You may find yourself doing some research, perhaps in the psychological or spiritual pain. This restless sometimes boring time is a good time for inner exploration.


Key Number 6

A little easing should be happening. A word of advice: be easy on yourself. Going back out into the world even on a limited basis will be perhaps a bit more difficult for you under this cycle month’s energy than for people experiencing other vibrations.

Hard as it has been, there is a certain security in sheltering in your own environment—at least for most people.

This transition will be a little more difficult for introverts, especially under this cycle month’s energy.

I would suggest easing into social situations, whether virtual or real.


Key Number 7

This is a time to really listen to your intuition. It will be sharper than it has been. Maybe there has not been so much need to use it in relationship, but certainly this is the time to pay attention to inner voices, especially relating to personal safety and health.

Being released does not mean you will be free. None of us will. Keep mask and gloves handy: this cycle month’s energy also means you are more sensitive than usual emotionally, but also physically.


Key Number 8

Now it’s time to proceed in a businesslike way to emphasize your independence and your own way of handling things. This is a new world, so it’s important to find new ways of coping.

Fortunately for you, the energy available to you allows you to move forward confidently if you’re willing to run with it.

Take advantage of this different way of being to exert your individuality. It’s a very good time for new learning of all kinds.


Key Number 9

This cycle month’s energy brings to completion a chapter of your life. Now is the time to complete your emergence into the new reality. You may have to let go of ideas and habits which have been normal in the past. But, though not everyone is in the same cycle energy, we are all trying to adjust, so you have lots of company.

Pay attention to the needs of others without getting dragged into too much drama. You may be more aware of other people’s needs and feelings.

If spiritual life is an important part of your everyday, this is a good time to take a close look at meditation and other practices, like prayer, for instance.

When you are called upon to help others adjust, make yourself available but don’t overdo it.